Ok yesterday on my day off, the G/F and her daughter went to the farm, they had a lovely time catching the crabs that have taken up residence in the newly created overflow dam.
I was then told that they had used roof tiles(for an enclosure to keep the crabs in) that the sister had laying around at her place, they said that they had both very itchy arms.
I freaked as I would be 99% sure that they contain asbestos(I have had a relative that died a slow and painful death from the asbestos he used to work with getting into his lungs) I made them both scrub down to remove any still on them.
I tried to day to get any regs on it here in Thailand and it seems they dont give a fat rats about the stuff.
I want to get rid on the stuff thats at the farm anyone know of any dumps that would handle it. Im just not going to just dump it any old place, if I cant finf somewhere I wii research how to safely dispose of it.